Rescued by Ruby

Rescued by Ruby

Rescued by Ruby is a 2022 American Netflix original biographical drama film directed by Katt Shea. Its story follows a state trooper named Dan, who dreams of joining the K-9 search and rescue team of the state police, however has been unsuccessful in doing so until he befriends a shelter dog named Ruby. The film is based on a true story. The title is a reference to the 1905 British silent film Rescued By Rover. The film was released on March 17, 2022.

Ruby is an extremely hyperactive half border collie that has been adopted multiple times from the shelter she’s been in over the last six months, but always later returned due to an inability to train or control her.

Rhode Island state trooper Daniel O’Neil has dreamed of joining the K-9 search and rescue team of the state police. However, he has been rejected seven times and he only has one last chance to qualify before he turns 30.

Daniel learns that the K-9 unit has no funds to import any more German Shepherds, the breed usually used in search and rescue teams, and therefore he would not be able to join the program. He finds out his wife Mel(issa) is pregnant with their second child, making him even more determined to go for it. The promotion would also improve his pay and benefits…




Grant Gustin as Daniel O’Neil
Bear as Ruby
Scott Wolf as Matt Zarrella
Kaylah Zander as Melissa O’Neil
Camille Sullivan as Pat Inman
Tom McBeath as Seamus Brady
Sharon Taylor as Sam
Eileen Pedde as Sergeant Amanda Grinnell
Jude Culham-Keays as Michael
Giacomo Baessato as Rick McGuinness

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